Friday, April 29, 2011

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Monday, April 18, 2011

MG Destiny Gundam EBM

Ahoi... Gunpla Heroes In Action return with review of MG Destiny Gundam EBM (Extreme Blast Mode). This guy is one of my favorites MG, the inner frame body of this MG was covering with metallic silver coating paint that make it shiny like ferari maybe hahahahaha. This MG was upgrade version of MG Destiny Gundam that release before it, and have several new feature like metallic coating paint, pair of wings of light that lack in previous MG Destiny Gundam, and bonus of clear figures of Shinn Asuka and Kira Yamato (sorry because my digicam run out of battery i can't take the picture and posting it). That's really fun when building this MG, because there is lot of things that make me interesting, one of them is the joint of this MG,especially the ankle joint, there is suspension that can move like in real machine wakakaka cool (sorry forgot took the picture), the wings part also have this suspension. The weapon equipment of this guy also very cool especially the MMI-714 "Arondight" Anti-Ship Sword replica and M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon that stored in the backpack. The other armament of this MG is RQM60F "Flash-Edge 2" Beam Boomerang that mounted in each shoulder, the MA-BAR73/S high-energy beam rifle and shield.

Love this MG head, it eyes like crying of blood ^_^ HOHOHOHO.

Yooo torso inner frame of Destiny, you can see replica of Shinn in the cockpit (unpaint, still with the original color).

Connecting the head and torso.

Inner frame of Destiny arms.

Time to connect the pairs of arm to the main body.

The waist part inner frame.

Half part of the inner frame body.

Legs part ready.

Tadaaaaa finnaly inner frame of Destiny is complete.

EHHHH... Michael Jackson is still alive?????.

Michael Jackson pose again ??????.

Disco Time yeah c'mon baby wagagagaga.

Wings unit with wings of light.

What Eva unit 01 wekekekekeke

Destiny Beam Rifle.

Destiny Shield.

MX2351 "Solidus Fulgor" Beam Shield Generator.

MMI-714 "Arondight" Anti-Ship Sword.

M2000GX High-Energy Long-Range Beam Cannon.

Destiny complete form.

Destiny in action with beam rifle.


Ready for fight in qlose quarter combat.

This MG very cool, the good design, detail of articulation, weaponry and additional feature give plus score for this MG. The wings of light connection to the wings little unstable but over all this MG very worth for collection.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

MG Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam

In this post, Gunpla Heroes In Action will provide review of MG Sword/Launcher Strike Gundam. This MG S/L Strike Gundam have ability to switch backpack between Sword Backpack that used for close quarter combat and Launcher Backpack that used for long range battle. This unique feature make this MG interesting and special compare to other MG. The body detail of this replica also look cool, even the backpack especially Launcher Backpack have very good articulation that make it easy to firing pose. Even without the backpack weaponry and only equip with standard weapon like beam rifle or even knife the Strike still look cool. The picture below is gallery of the MG S/L Strike.

Strike inner frame, look more interesting for me than strike with outer frame.

Strike standard weaponry beam rifle, knife and shield

Strike ready to combat with knife, make me remember event from anime Gundam SEED when Kira Yamato piloting Strike for the first time, he used the knife to fight against ZAFT Ginn.

Strike in action with beam rifle, dunno way I love these pose.

Sword Striker backpack equipment.

Strike duel with Impulse, SLASH, SWOSH, KABOOOOM hehehehe

Launcher Striker Backpack equipment.

Launcher Strike in action with lightning Base.

Aiming at Impulse Force Silhouette Flyer. Nerai o utsu ze!!!!! (Lockon Stratos famous phrase, if I am not wrong wekekekekeke)

Oh yeah this MG really interesting, it have cool feature weaponry, even the body joint have great articulation that make it possible do many action pose. Have any interest in this gunpla? you can order it in our zero shop.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

MG ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam

In this post, the Gunpla Heroes In Action will review MG ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam from Gundam SEED anime series. This Gunpla is replica of the second Gundam that used by Kira Yamato, the lead character of the SEED series. Different from it predecessor the MG GAT-105 Strike Gundam that have feature to change the backpack weapon equipment, like in the anime the Freedom cannot do that. Despite the lack of variations equipment, this MG have standard armaments like MA-M20 "Lupus" high-energy beam rifle, pair of MA-M01 "Lacerta" beam sabers that mount in hips, plus built in armaments that designed use in full burst mode like the M100 "Balaena" plasma beam cannons that hidden behind its wings and the MMI-M15 "Xiphias" rail cannons that mount in hips. Because of weight of the wings , this MG have problem with the body balance, the Freedom have some difficulty when it must stand without stand base, but if you have some of stand base you can make freedom pose as you like. This MG articulation not to flawless because limited movement of the joint, but that's not too problem, after all you still can make the Freedom do many action pose.

The head of Freedom
The head of MG Freedom lack of several color, you must painting the head if you want detail color like the anime.

Torso of Freedom
The cockpit hatch of Freedom located in the chest and have slide system to open it, if it open you can see replica of mini Kira Yamato.

Connecting head and torso of Freedom.
Arms of Freedom
The arms of Freedom look simple compare to other MG.

Connecting arm to torso

Legs and waist of Freedom
Simple like the Arms.

Connecting the legs and waist

Freedom without wings unit (front)

Freedom without wings unit (rear)

Freedom Gundam complete
Freedom in complete state equip with beam rifle and shield

Freedom Gundam complete (rear)
From this angle we can see hidden weapon in each of wings

Freedom in action with lightning base blue color

Freedom full burst mode (^_^)

The picture below is simple diorama battle between Freedom and Force Impulse from scene of the anime Gundam SEED Destiny.

Duel with Force Impulse 1
   Duel with Force Impulse 2
Duel with Force Impulse 3
Battle with Force Impulse 4
Battle with Force Impulse 5

That picture above example of Freedom action pose, there is plenty much action pose that this MG can do. Then, in you have interest on this gunpla you can order it in our web blog  the Zero Shop  (^_^) hehehe